Blog — foods
Healthy Foods for Your Dog.
Healthy Food for Dogs Meat Meat should be 60-75% of your dog's diet. Aim for a variety of beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey, venison and lamb. My dogs don't love lamb but others do. Fish Fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. you can use canned fish but make sure there is no salt and is in water added such as sardines, wild salmon, tuna. With fresh fish like salmon make sure to remove all of the bones then you can poach or roast it. Herbs Mint, oregano, parsley are great with aiding digestion and your dog's breath will...
Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog
Foods to Avoid. Many "human" foods are incredibly healthy for your dogs but there are a few that can be toxic to dogs. Alcohol Skip anything containing alcohol. Sometimes there are small amounts in sauces and gravies which you should avoid. Avocados If peeled and pitted the flesh itself can be safe in moderation. Avocado trees contain a fungicidal called persin which is concentrated in the leaves, peel and pit but there are low levels in the flesh as well. The flesh is high in calories and fats so consuming larger quantities can lead to vomiting and diarrhea in some dogs....